My Book

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Setting the goal is the easy part, it's the follow through that can sometimes defeat us. I have found that in an episode of depression it is generally not a good idea for me to set any type of major goal(s). I will let myself down nearly every time -- which in turn leads to negative feelings and low self worth. When in a state of depression I tend to think about all the things I "should" have done, and all the things I "want" to do, but probably "never will." It is here the vicious cycle begins. It took me a long, long time to figure this out. I have found the key is to set very, very small attainable goals while in the throes of a depression. That goal can be as small as getting out of bed just long enough to brush your teeth, a walk to the mailbox, doing half a page of homework instead of the entire project. The objective is to feel the achievement and gain enough motivation and confidence to move on to the next small goal. If you have read my book then you know this is how I made it through a major depression and eventually got myself to the doctor for help. I was not functioning at all, but in time I was able to set one tiny goal a day until it finally lead me out my front door and to the doctors office. I felt like I had conquered the world! And in my own way I did! So, here's to you, and one tiny step today!!

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