My Book

Friday, December 19, 2014


I've been asked several times what it's like to write your life story and put it out for the world to read. Some have asked why I did it and how could I put such deep, personal issues out there, while others have commended my strength. Let me start by saying, writing it was the easy part. Once I knew I had to write my book, the words and my story came right out of me. I did, no let me correct that -- I DO struggle with having certain parts public. If you have read it you can probably figure those parts out. As I mention in the book, there is a sick feeling that comes over you when you put something on paper that you have never told another living soul, and you know people are going to read it. It doesn't matter if it's strangers that will be reading it, or friends and family, the nauseous feeling is extremely overwhelming. I can easily compare it to an anxiety attack. But, the passion to get the story to someone else suffering with depression, so they know they are not alone, is insurmountable. Yes, it is scary to put it out there, but if I can get one person out of bed and to the doctor it's ÀLL worth it!

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